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Corinthian Yacht Club of Bellingham

HomeEvents2023 Bellingham CYC Racing Season

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2023 Bellingham CYC Racing Season

About this event

Racing Season consists of five racing series that include 5 races for each series. Boats/skippers must register and pay a fee for any or all of the series. Racing is restricted to skippers who are members in good standing with a yacht club.

The intent of CYC racing is to provide safe and fun club racing to members and guests. In this spirit, the CYC Race Committee will base boat handicaps on PHRF–NW certificates. Where no certificate is available, the CYC Race Committee will assign a provisional rating based on standard design and rigging. At its sole discretion, the Race Committee may also consider cruising class factors, performance and crew experience in determining the provisional rating.

The CYC of Bellingham is unable to refund racing fees due to cancellation or lack of participation by registrants.

If you want to register for racing after the start date of the series you may need to contact Greg Zimmerman to assist you with online registration.

You must be a current member of the CYC or other yacht club in order to register for racing.

2024 Race Packet

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We sail friendly. It's what sets us apart.


Thursday, April 13, 2023, to Thursday, September 28, 2023


Bellingham Bay

Additional Info

Event Contact(s)

Sean M Jones
Race Committee Organizer
360-333-7791 (p)
360-333-7791 (c)

Gregory R Zimmerman
Race Committee Organizer
630-442-9402 (p)
630-442-9402 (c)



Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
By registering for and participating in CYC racing, participants agree to the following stipulations:
1. While participating in CYC sponsored events, I agree to maintain a liability insurance policy on my yacht that also covers yacht racing events and or activities.
2. In the event of an accident during events sponsored by CYC resulting in damage, injury or death, I agree to hold harmless CYC, its Officers, Race Committee, and members.
3. I acknowledge that the decision to enter my yacht and participate in CYC competition is solely my own, and I agree to comply with and be bound by the INTERNATIONAL YACHT RACING RULES as adopted by US SAILING, including nation prescriptions, except as modified by the CYC race instructions for each event.
Activities/Items (Click the down-arrow to view details)
Racing Full Series (all 5 series)
Racing Series #1: 4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11
Racing Series #2: 5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15
Racing Series #3: 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 7/20
Racing Series #4: 7/27, 8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24
Racing Series #5 (Short Courses): 8/31*, 9/7, 9/14, 9/21, 9/28


San Juan Sailing & Yachts
Back Copuntry Medical
Beasley Bellingham Relocate
Pacific Marine
Bellingham Sails
Brightside Restoration
Boundary Bay Brewery
Landings at Colony Wharf
Cardinal Yachts/Targa
Mike Powell Performance Marine
Northwst Diesel Power
Special-T Signs, Wraps, Graphics